25 agosto 2009 - from: http://covilt.myblog.it/
Victims of cults or anti-cults?
1 - How did we get into all of this?
2 - Cults’ Victims caught in the bickering
3 - Many legal actions
4 - Cesap Constitution wasn’t honoured
Because of what Mrs. Tinelli did against me and the voluntary association ASAAP that I had helped to start and of which I was the President, we were forced to close its activities to prevent the members to pay for the legal expenses of Tinelli’s lawsuits (expenses which I preferred to assume on my shoulders).
Considering what it is happening to other studious of cults in Italy who have been purposely involved in lawsuits in order to endanger them.
Considering the arguments brought out by cults’members attacked by Cesap who are legitimately questioning Cesap’s methods used by its members and experts, I wonder whether this is the way of working in such a very sensitive area.
I can’t be silent anymore, in defense of my person and of all those that entrust themselves to some "so called" helping associations. The desire to "distinguish oneself" by eliminating all those that are perceived as competing is really disloyal and of very low ethical standard. Differences in opinions or ways of proceeding don’t imply other people’s elimination.
1 - How did we get into all of this?
Around 2000 Mrs Tinelli Lorita came to me, Silvana Radoani, asking me some sort of cooperation for her newly Association Cesap congratulating with me for some of my writings and my work as I had been on this job since 1986, fourteen years before Mrs. Tinelli arrived, on the front line against the so-called "sects" and especially the frauds related to them.
At that time I was quite known in my environment as someone who knew cults (especially Satanism) I was speaking in conferences, transmissions and broadcasts, I was writing articles, also as a reporter specialized on these subjects, also registered in the Chartered Journalists Association.
In those years Mrs. Tinelli was asking me to join Cesap but I would always refuse saying that we would be still friends but I didn’t feel like to adhere to her association, but I would always cooperate with her as for what would be in my possibilities regarding the cult phenomenon.
In 2003 dott. Maurizio Antonello, with whom I had always kept a very close friendship and cooperation, suddenly died. Maurizio Antonello, also vice-president of Cesap, before dying, had already mentioned me in his coming project of an exhibition against Magic that he had kept explaining me because the objects that were to be displayed in the exhibition were mine. In fact, not only dr. Antonello didn’t have many objects to show, moreover I was known mostly for my studies on satanism and magic.
On December 2003, without any application for admission or request for a curriculum, but only through agreements on the phone I was accepted as a member and immediately chosen into the Executive Committee. I was sent a letter by Cesap’s Executive Committee which not only had accepted me as a member, but also appointed me to set up and coordinate a Cesap’s regional division, called Cesap-Emilia. I was the person in charge for Cesap-Emilia but, in the mean time, I would continue to cooperate with Cesap in a very tied relationship and cooperation with Mrs. Lorita Tinelli. I never had any relationship with the rest of the Executive Members (except Mrs. Tinelli’s husband whom I had met in my first and only visit in Bari, and another person), neither I knew who were the rest of them.
In 2004 Modena’s Diocese (exactly the Archbishop) asked me, as Silvana Radoani, to organize the exhibition on magic that I had first organized in Venice in 2003. So I started to work on the setting of the exhibition and in full agreement with Mrs. Tinelli I used Cesap’s name and Cesap’s symbol as a demonstration of loyalty to a friend, Mrs. Tinelli. In fact involving the association, for which I was the person in charge in Emilia, in such an activity would certainly give great visibility to the association itself.
Never during the preparation time Mrs. Tinelli ever did any single deed for the exhibition and I took upon myself all the management and organization (with the help of some local friends and co-workers), including all the economical efforts that were covered by the Archbishop himself.
In May 2005 I set up a new association fully recognized and autonomous, with the objective to work in coherence with Cesap’s aims and on May 30th 2005 Cesap-Emilia was born with its own Constitution and Autonomous Executive Committee and me as a president.
2 - Cults’ Victims caught in the bickering
First I will deal with the hardest and most dramatic part of the story. I have always done anything to protect cults’ victims whenever they have turned to me asking for help. The most dramatic actions in the whole story have seen cult’s victims purposely involved in an attempt to delegitimize me and hoping that some of them would report me to the police with allegations.
“National Cesap, as you well know, continues every day to assist victims of cults and their relatives, with seriousness and reality, witnessing with deeds its closeness to each of you”(excerpt from Cesap’s website)
From 2003 to 2005 dr. Tinelli and I were very close to each other and we kept exchanging opinions on some cases that we were following together (not all of them).
In 2005 Mrs. Tinelli tried to involve me and others as well in her fight against a group called Arkeon, that later had particular developments. In fact she handed me a dossier containing private documents of victims, their names, addresses that should have stayed in Cesap, considering that dr. Tinelli is a registered psychologist. She wanted my help to go against Arkeon.
On March 22nd 2006 I received Cesap’s intimation prot. 83/06 to return the dossier entitled Vito Carlo Moccia which, as I said, contained testimonies, names, surnames, addresses and other private writings of people that had entrusted themselves to Mrs Tinelli (I want to remind again that Mrs. Tinelli is a register psychologist and is obliged by law to professional secret). In the intimation she also wrote I was not allowed to publish the dossier saying: "In February 2005 I handed you the dossier, after your request, and appealing to the professional secret.." At that time not only I wasn’t doing any profession that would compel me to professional secret (even though I have always kept the professional secret and all those that know me can confirm it) but I had never requested any dossier. I still have the mail that Mrs. Tinelli wrote asking me whether I wanted to receive that dossier.
In that same intimation, tendentiously, she would also claim that her desire was to protect her clients.
Some time later I would have understood the reason for such statement considering that I have never spread confidential information around.
April 15ht, 2006. Holy Saturday. A couple that I had followed since about a year helping them to break loose from a group in which they had been caught, came to me suddenly. They were really upside-down because they had been questioned by the police (Carabinieri) of their small village concerning their relationship with me, on a complaint of Mrs. Tinelli. As a consequence of the allegations their story had been known by many people in their village and even outside since mrs. Tinelli had spread confidential papers of the two to different Courts.
I was shocked by the event and fell into a very deep depression, not for the fear of legal judgments, but because I didn’t know how to protect people that Mrs. Tinelli was involving in an attempt to destroy me hoping that sooner or later someone would charge me of crimes. The couple was later called in another Court in a second legal proceeding against me and was later forced to move home.
In the same matter and for the same proceedings another cult’s victim I had followed was involved as well as her ex mate.
3 - Many legal actions
Many abusive groups use the strategy of overwhelming the witness or anyone who becomes their target with a flood of complaints, as to make his life impossible and moreover turn him or her out into the street. The same tactic is used to de-legitimate anything the person or the witness does in his life.
I was confused to find out that Mrs Tinelli used the same tactic with me.
On the 4th of April 2006 Mrs Tinelli reported me to the Computer Police of Bari asking for the obscuration of the association web site and of the book we had written together. Moreover she reported me to the Police with allegations of abusing the profession of psychologist [presenting oneself as a professional psychologist being untrue is a crime punished by the law in Italy].
4 - Cesap Constitution wasn’t honoured
In October 2005, after a discussion aroused concerning the “Project Daphne” to which, as Cesap-Emilia association, wanted to participate, I sent an e-mail to Mrs. Tinelli remarking some of her non-fulfilment of Cesap Constitution. As a member of the Committee I didn’t feel like covering up these defaults anymore, even though at the same time I offered myself to help adjusting some of the failures which we all, as human beings, can run into at certain times.
Basically these were my observations:
- In the association there wasn’t any group of research made up of professionals on psychological abuse;
- Not one of the members had ever voted for approval or changing to the Constitution, much less for the association fee [all of a sudden one day on Cesap’s website appeared the information that the association fee had been cancelled]
- As member of Cesap Executive Committee I have never been asked an opinion on the admission of new members;
- I had never seen the register of members as it was specifically expressed by the Constitution that also stated that members were to pay annual fee. Never have I had news of an annual assembly of members;
- The annual fee gave the members the right to receive conference publications and programs, discounts on the Magazine Labyris [Cesap’s magazine which didn’t arrive to the 4th or 5th number of issue], discounts for the participation to conferences, courses, studies programs and other services offered by Cesap at convenient prices (expert opinions, diagnosis, legal or psychological consulting): I have never seen any of these promises come true;
- Several articles of the Constitution were changed by Mrs. Tinelli alone without the participation of the Executive Committee;
- The Constitution provided for a minimum of 8 Executive but we were only 6;
- Even though I was a member of the Executive Committee I had never participated nor voted for any decision taken by Cesap.
I want to underline that these remarks are referring to 2005 and previous years; now the Constitution has been changed.
In my opinion this is the starting point for the persecution that has been put into effect from then on and it is still continuing at the moment.
On December 19th 2005 the President of Cesap Mrs. Tinelli summoned an Executive Meeting with great urgency for December 27th at 7 P.M. (if someone hasn’t noticed it yet, it’s St. Stephen’s Day, two days after Christmas, when everybody stays with his family especially at 7 P.M. when, according to the summoning, I should have stayed in Bari, about 700 km away from my home in Bologna) in the cable which arrived I couldn’t see any urgent reason, nor was it mentioned the day’s agenda not even the remarks that I had brought up with my previous e-mail.
On December 22nd 2005 I received a Circular (it is not clear who else received the same circular) which was sent through different means (through fax, registered letter to me and to the association).
On December the 8th 2005 a registered letter had already been sent by Cesap containing notes regarding the exhibition on Magic that I had organized for ARIS-Veneto in Venice the first time and for Modena’s Diocese the second time (one was held in 2003 and the other in 2005). The registered letter was asserting that Cesap should always be mentioned as promoting body (even though the activity is carried out by others?) and it was imposing changes to the way it had been previously carried out.
The following day Mrs. Tinelli sent an e-mail in which she was informing me that the latest news regarding Cesap-Emilia hadn’t been published in Cesap’s website because 15 days had already passed and they were already old news; moreover she informed that the website had to be changed and that she had already asked for the help of the Executive Committee members who were also the founders and were more motivated and aware of Cesap objectives (I was also among the Executive Committee members at that time). She also said to be waiting for data and news of the regional centers in order to put them on-line with their specific competences (we were not a regional centre); and moreover that the annual membership fee had been cancelled as a decision of the Executive Committee (I had NEVER been asked an opinion on this matter as well as on others).
On my specific request after a few days I received the minutes of the meeting in which Mrs. Tinelli added more inaccuracies and unfulfillments which puzzled me a lot regarding the way she and the rest of the Committee were leading the association. I answered to the minutes with a very detailed letter and several annex that denied most of the arguments brought up by the minutes that were clearly trying to blame me of improper behavior, giving Mrs. Tinelli a pretext to act legally against me.
The question is rather complicated and I confine myself only to this part of the story, but if you want to know more details you can contact me privately. One more thing. In the minutes it was inadvertently inserted the copy of a page related to a previous assembly of members that was mentioning of a re-election of all the members of the Executive Committee (included myself), the re-election of Mrs. Tinelli as president (4 votes, 2 abstained, for a total of 6 members). Who were the electors?
On January 3rd 2006 I received a letter from Mrs. Tinelli (prot. 9/2006) in which, contrary to what she had already announced regarding the cancellation of the annual membership fee, she was intimating me to pay the fee for 2005. Moreover it was asserted that I should send my curriculum (which I had never sent before and that nobody had ever requested me) and the application for admission (which I had never done), a clear demonstration of the arbitrary way Mrs. Tinelli was ruling the association.
On January 23rd 2006 I sent a letter to Cesap regarding the membership fee, the missing curriculum and an answer to the minutes of the Committee assembly of December 27th 2005, asserting more abuses and inaccuracies of their Constitution and their way of managing and reporting at the assembly.
I also underlined the following:
- during the two years in which I was part of the Executive committee not a new member had joined Cesap;
- the committee wasn’t composed of the 8 members provided for the Constitution;
- it was a contradiction that in the previous two years the president hadn’t been able to summon any Executive Committee or Assembly, nevertheless was able to ensure its presence on all the territory as the minutes stated;
- it was evident that there wasn’t any real Executive Committee because not even the vice- President had been able to take the president’s place;
- it was also evident that even the Treasurer was inexistent or defaulting;
- I also hadn’t received any proxy from Cesap to use its name and symbol in the exhibition held in Modena and the same were used for my friendship with Mrs. Tinelli and after verbal agreements with her;
- Cesap had never contributed in ANY FORM to organization of the exhibition on Magic;
- The decision of summoning a Committee Meeting for December 27th 2005 should have been first discussed and agreed among the Executive Members [but nobody asked for any opinion];
- No answers were given to my remarks on the way Cesap Constitution had been dishonored.
On January 30st 2006 I received another minutes from the Executive Committee of Cesap where I was accused of more improper behavior and where announcement of legal actions against me was made.
On February 14th 2006 I received a letter prot. 63/06 in which it was stated that the Executive committee on January 30th had decided for my expulsion from the association.
Silvana Radoani
- Bologna, June 9th 2008 -
Translation of: “Vittime di culti o di anti-cult?” di Silvana Radoani
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