LA VERITA’ SU ARKEON - Sentenza (definitiva) “arkeon” di primo grado a Bari: nessuna “psicosetta”

Nelle Motivazioni della Sentenza, alle pagine 896 e 897 si legge:
“l’esito di questo giudizio ha sconfessato la sussistenza della principale e più grave delle accuse, costituita dall’essere Arkeon una “psico-setta”, ha portato ad escludere la sussistenza di uno stato di incapacità di intendere e volere per i partecipanti a qualsiasi tipo di seminario e di tecniche manipolatorie della mente, nonché di violenze di ogni genere poste in essere nei confronti di minori. In questo giudizio non vi è stata contestazione di reati fiscali ed è emerso che i costi dei seminari erano fissi e noti ai partecipanti. Il processo ha portato ad escludere la sussistenza dell’aggravante dell’aver indotto nei partecipanti il timore di un pericolo immaginario, come cagione giustificativa degli esborsi economici, nonché di quella del danno di rilevante entità e da questo è conseguita la ritenuta improcedibilità dei reati di truffa, con riferimento ai quali non era stata sporta alcuna querela da parte delle vittime…”

Registrazione audio integrale della Relazione di Raffaella Di Marzio: ORGANIZZAZIONI SETTARIE E ANTISETTARIE: STRUTTURE E DINAMICHE SIMILARI IN CONTESTI ANTAGONISTI - 12° Congresso Internazionale della Società Italiana di Psicologia della Religione (SIPR): "L'IO, L'ALTRO, DIO: Religiosità e Narcisismo" - Testo registrazione

Le Confessioni del "mostro nello specchio". Arkeon, Le Associazioni Anti-sette e l'Ordine degli Psicologi: Un'esperienza personale

The Confessions of "the monster in the mirror". Arkeon, the Anti-cult Associations and the Order of Psychologists: a personal experience

Movimenti Antisette e Neutralità dello Stato - Un caso di studio: la FECRIS

Nella sua conclusione Willy Fautrè mette in evidenza come associazioni membri della FECRIS, nelle nazioni prese in considerazione dalla ricerca, mettano in atto azioni discutibili

Sette, antisette, "setta degli antisette", aiuto e altre riflessioni - Simonetta Po

Persecuzione e campagne anti-sette: intervista a Raffaella Di Marzio - di Camillo Maffia

giovedì 9 ottobre 2008

Communication to FECRIS 7th October 2008

President F.E.C.R.I.S.
Vice President F.E.C.R.I.S.
Board F.E.C.R.I.S.

And for knowledge:

A.R.I.S. Toscana
A.R.I.S. Veneto
C.E.S.A.P. Bari
C.E.S.A.P Friuli
Centro Studi Psichiatria & Territorio
Francesco Bretone - Procura Repubblica Bari
Martini – Allarme Scientology
Raffaella Di Marzio

Rome, 7th October 2008

Dear Madams and Sirs,

My name is Pietro Bono and I have been for several years in Italy a teacher of the method named “Arkeon, the way of the father”. I write to You as a personal initiative to bring to Your attention a situation regarding CESAP, one of yours corresponding associations.

The case of the Arkeon method is well synthesized by Dr. Raffaella Di Marzio in her article of 22nd of February 2008 “To be or not to be a cult: THIS is the question. When information becomes a dogma, the committees become courts, the experts become “guru” and people remain, anyway, victim”.

I think You already know the following of this story: the notice of investigations from the Attorney of Bari to Dr. Di Marzio on 26th march 2008 with the charges of criminal association and abuse of profession and with the sudden obscuration of her website “Cults, Religions, Spirituality” - .
The Attorney of Bari in that occasion maintained that “Dr. Di Marzio would be the guru “in pectore” of the followers of Arkeon orphans of Moccia (the founder) as follows: Promoter of such reorganization [of Arkeon] is Raffaella Di Marzio who not only organized and participated to the meeting in Rome with 80 persons [followers of Arkeon] but gave voice to the group of Moccia on her website, so thwarting the sequestration of the websites of Arkeon. Through her website, Di Marzio is recompacting the group, exalting the method, convincing those who had testified against Arkeon to take a step back. With this behaviour Di Marzio has entered the group of Moccia becoming its main reference and sharing its illegal aims...”

Obviously I’m partisan and also incompetent in this field. Anyway I want to draw some simple considerations, taking into account that Arkeon, which certainly is not a religious movement but maybe rather a form of pedagogy for people families and communities, developed along the years an original educational path and for this reason since many years is trying to dialogue with third parties which can evaluate its identity, its contents, its methods and the critical issues.

1) Despite this, we face a real paradox: on the one hand we have a presumed “cult” which, instead of hiding, spontaneously searches for educational and cult specialist asking to evaluate it. On the other hand there are specialists who, instead of studying the group to know it directly, suggest not to study it, due to (until these last days) the ongoing investigation. A reason which would make more needed then ever their opinion.

2) The situation is such a paradox that the students of Arkeon couldn’t either meet to deliberate the closing of their Association (realized by email on June 2008), as this could have determined new misunderstandings by the Police Digos of Bari, as already happened for the Rome meeting of the 9th February when the police rushed in. The closing of the Association of Arkeon students on the other hand couldn’t be postponed as it was clear, after the sanctions to Dr Di Marzio, that the people of Arkeon were not allowed anymore to meet, but also that under investigation were not simply the persons but the whole method of Arkeon and the families not inclined to repudiate the method.

3) It must be added that the families of Arkeon are persecuted since near three years. Initially with letters signed by Dr. Tinelli of Cesap, then – after our action for libel - with anonymous threats by letters or phone calls, cut of tyres of the cars, heavy physical threats, pressures on the job, at the universities, at the schools of their children. With no one, shamefully, neither the police informed of the facts, doing or saying nothing except for Dr. Di Marzio.

4) Finally it must be reminded the media scandalistic campaign, clearly moved from Dr. Lorita Tinelli.
( Tutte le mattine, di Maurizio Costanzo - Canale 5 20-23-27 gennaio 2006
Mi manda Rai 3 - 2006/10/13,,RaiTre-Mimandaraitre%5E0%5E12789,00.html
Terra - Canale 5 – “Cervelli lavati” 2007/10/14 ).
This media campaign involved since the beginning, with sensational titles, the families and the method of Arkeon, accused of having taken part to swindle, sexual violence and children abuse.
(The great swindle of the cult:…sex and money from the subdued victims, - 10 years of psycho-cult in Bari, an organization devoted to swindle and sexual abuse, - 10.000 swindled from Arkeon cult, ).
This, with no chance of explanation or defence. Demonized in the forum of Cesap and stigmatized from different movements like the homosexual one, which since many years oppose the work of Arkeon with no reason.
I only want to be noticed that “the dirty work”, to make the story gloomy (and obviously attractive for the great audience) trying to involve esteemed priests, has been delegated - maybe not to compromise the relationships in the catholic context - to the “expert colleagues” of Assotutor - - who boasted the day after the two horrible TV programmes of “Slite the information” (9 million people share, not perhaps for the depth of the news but rather perhaps for the two undressed dancers on the table) of being the one to signal the case.
Priests in the Psycho-cult Arkeon?

I may be wrong, but this seems to me more an ideological war than a search for truth and justice. Also the symbology explicitly used on Cesap website, in my honest opinion, reminds more war, conflict and blood, than dialogue (see the spot: “Cesap want you!”, “Enters with us the arena!”). Systems and methods applied also against collaborators and colleagues.

My pain and that of many other families comes mainly from the feeling of impotence.

- I know a young family who lived these last years in terror, threatened violently and under blackmail from their parents, convinced and exasperated from the things read in the Cesap forum, in newspapers and TV programmes on Arkeon, that their sons have been kept in a dangerous cult.
- I know, due to my participation to Arkeon seminars, cases of previously existing critical familiar situations (I mean cases of complex and painful divorces, problems of sons born outside marriage, etc) which have been in my opinion heavily manipulated by Dr. Lorita Tinelli, with the aim of showing that the method Arkeon would have destroyed families, separated sons from parents and nephews from grandparents.
- I well know young families that, in the last two years, following the unscrupulous lynching of the families and method of Arkeon, convinced themselves so much of having been manipulated in the years of path with Arkeon to waver, sometimes definitively with devastating consequences on partner and sons.
- I know good professionals and good fathers and mothers that in the last days knew directly from the newspapers to be alleged for really heavy crimes due to their participation to Arkeon. One of these persons realized to be alleged from the Police and that his name has been published with others on one national newspaper (and obviously also in internet) only in the occasion of one my phone call for solidarity.
- I know of many people hit by a pain so deep in seeing misunderstood, demonized and persecuted in a way so clear the families and the method that helped them to recover the warm of their roots, of their parents and to build their own family, that thought in some moments of desperation to suicide.

Beside the pain, I continuously ask myself some questions and I dare ask them also to You.

- How was it possible that Dr. Tinelli, longly accredited and consultant of the Police of Bari, wrote on 25th February 2008, after three days from the publication of the article of Dr. Di Marzio, that letter that surely many of You already know, in which she disparaged in that way so unscrupulous the figure and work of Dr. Di Marzio?

- How was it possible that the Police of Bari, in October 2007, in occasion of the emission of the first six notices of investigation to the teachers of Arkeon, thought appropriate to organize a press conference with national TVs as if the activity of Arkeon was unknown and acting underwater? While instead, just to make an example, the Revenue Guard Corps had monitored the activities of Arkeon since at least ten years without sensitive conclusions.

- How was it possible that a high officer of the Digos Police of Bari, during one national TV programme broadcasted immediately after the first notices of investigation to the teachers of Arkeon, answering the explicit question of the journalist interviewing him, naivley said that the police couldn’t infiltrate their men in the seminars of Arkeon because “these are groups very closed, restricted”? It’s well known that the Police has the means and expertise to infiltrate trained personnel in the contexts the more questionable and inhuman, like organized crime and terrorism. The seminars of Arkeon, in my experience and in that of many thousands persons, have always been open like a seaport. People coming in and out. No teacher, as I know, ever asked for a document of identity. Everybody could participate to the presentation of the Friday evening or to the seminar of Saturday and Sunday. So either this officer simply didn’t know what he was talking about or he lied. In both cases, the impact of a so distorted information revealed devastating in many relationships with the original families.
Terra - Canale 5 – “Accadde a Bari” 2007/10/14

- How was it possible that the Police and Magistrates of Bari (who surely are in good faith) closed the website of a researcher of the matter, investigating on her for months without even listening to her, only because Dr. Di Marzio replied to a desperate call from hundreds of families grieved for being broadcasted as criminal monsters to the national public opinion, their original families, their colleagues, deprived of any voice and subject to anonymous phone calls aimed to destroy their existence and serenity?

- How was it possible that the ones who tried from the beginning to dialogue about Arkeon in the forum of Cesap, signing with name and surname, has been systematically attached and treated so indecently from the moderator, Dr. Lorita Tinelli? Dr. Lorita Tinelli in February 2006 wrotes: “…I’ve been indirect witness of suicides and worsening of some pathologies after the entry in this group…”
Really serious accuses. Which however don’t appear, if I’m not wrong, among the final accuses lifted from the police at the end of the investigations. But mostly Dr. Lorita Tinelli didn’t intervened in the forum for more than two years to filter any kind of distortions of the truth, illations, strong pressures, heavy allusions on people of Arkeon or on any of her colleagues not pleasing her. She didn’t intervene even when the poster named “acquamarina”, with no scruple, made public the intimate choices of pregnancy of a couple who, signing with their name, brought their mild and positive testimony about Arkeon.
All such treatment lasted near three years! Three years of uncalled for massacre.
And things are not changed now. It’s enough to see how is welcomed, even from the moderator, the new subscribed called “modugno” in the forum of Cesap, who bring her contribution in a very civil way, I think.
On the other side it’s true that a sentence of the Judge Michele Salvatore permitted to the forum of Cesap to continue their “praiseworthy operate” towards the method and the persons of Arkeon. However I want only to hint that, as you can see clearly from the sentence, that Judge praised the work of Cesap without knowing in any way, for its own admission, the subject in question. I also dare to make evident that that Judge not only had been previously accused and then condemned in first instance of judgement to four years of prison in 2007 for tried concussion about facts of 2003, but he’s not been suspended from its role even after the sentence.

- How is it possible to think that someone who dedicated the last 20 years to bring back the sons in the arms of their fathers and mothers, inside and outside the seminars of Arkeon, who already in the first 90’s accompanied young 20-30 years men in any corner of Italy to realize their most ancient and longing dream of meeting that father that for many cases of life they couldn’t have known and embraced is it possible that such man wants and is interested in dividing families and separating the sons from the parents and vice versa? And what’s worst that he goes teaching it as a system?

Dear Madams and Sirs, I know that for You maybe this is the voice of a poor morally subjugated, so I only want to add one last important thing.
I think it possible that some teacher used its role for personal aims, forgetting the commitment of respect he took with his students and with the method Arkeon. If that happened I wish that Italian Justice can soon make it clear and I believe it important that damaged people know which pain, grieve and confusion this has created in many persons in Arkeon. On my honour I can assure that, if that happened, surely they were isolated cases.

I also ask myself if really these persons have been sustained from Cesap in a cautious way, and not instead used to create a national case.
I also ask myself if such persons have been used, maybe for reasons of prestige, visibility, need of credibility, which unfortunately seem present also in this context.

Which are the persons and families really damaged from the method Arkeon? And which instead are the persons and families subsequently damaged and devastated with the irresponsible media campaign moved against Arkeon? Was it this the best way to make clarity and have justice?
I hope that the “head” of Arkeon, the head of many hundreds families won’t be the safe conduct for the affiliation of Dr. Lorita Tinelli and of Cesap to Your Federation, because in that case God forgive you!
I thank by heart all of You for Your patience and I’m at Your complete disposal for any explanation and, if possible, for a meeting.
I know which reaction I will get for having the courage of talking to You and I feel quiet because I’m sure I did the right thing.
I decided to send my letter also in copy to those who can be interested in these informations.
Thank You and good work.

Pietro Bono

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